Staff and parents at St Nicholas Nursery are celebrating, after receiving their latest inspection result.
The nursery underwent an Ofsted inspection in September 2022 and is thrilled to have been given the highest possible “Outstanding” rating in all areas.
The report stated that the children “learn many skills that give them an exceptional start to their education.” It also confirmed that the children “form strong bonds with staff and treat each other kindly and with respect, due to the high expectations that staff have of their behaviour”.
Directly referencing the staff, the report stated that “all staff are nurturing and have an excellent understanding of what their key children know and need to learn next”. Management and leadership of the nursery was highly praised too, with inspectors noting that “leaders place great emphasis on the well-being of staff which creates a positive working environment where staff enjoy coming to work and strive to help the children flourish”. The report added that “leaders carefully consider staffing to ensure the right support is provided to help children reach their individual next steps of learning”.
The “partnership with parents is exceptionally strong” according to the report, with the report’s authors stating that “parents speak incredibly highly of the setting” and that they “compliment the warm and caring nature of the staff”.
Nursery Manager, Anjana Shah, was delighted with the results of the recent inspection.
“This inspection simply validates the work we do at the nursery each and every day. This is a nursery that is wholeheartedly committed to ensuring every child has the best possible start to their learning journey, so I am delighted that the inspection team was able to recognise this. We are extremely proud of our nursery and to have our staff’s dedication and care praised so highly by a team of experts is truly wonderful.”
To view the full report, click here. Interested parents are encouraged to contact the nursery to book a visit to see what an outstanding nursery looks like for themselves.